This is by far the most asked question when a homeowner begins there renovation journey to paint their home. Although it is the most common question it is also the most complicated to answer, due to the vast array of factors that go into the pricing of a paint job. To begin answering there are some questions you will want to have answered before you go looking for quotes so you can begin to get an idea in your head of how much your home painting project will cost you. Firstly is your home new construction? Or is it simply a new spin on an older property? A new construction home will typically cost $8 per square foot (industry average) depending upon the type of finishes wanted in the home. If the home is in need of higher quality finishes (lacquer, faux, epoxy, etc.) then the price can run as high as $14 per square foot in select cases. However if the new home is just in need of standard priming/painting of walls/ceilings in one color then the $8 price point would be a more accurate starting place. If your home is older and currently occupied this will add a layer of complexity to your pricing. This is for several reasons firstly the furniture in the home will need to be moved and covered before being moved back upon completion. Secondly how much repair work the areas that are being painted need will add money to your project. Lastly when people do renovations on an already existing home it is typical for homeowners to go multiple colors in the home. Side note* it is good to keep in mind that the more colors you decide to have in your home the higher your overall pricing will be for the painting project. Furthermore with the aforementioned details in mind a good starting point for this type of project would be roughly $6 per square foot although it is not uncommon for pricing to go up to $10/$12 per square foot depending upon the shape the walls/ceilings are in as well as the amount of colors wanted in the home. Lastly we will cover the most difficult aspects of "guestimation" in the painting industry which would be the special finishes. Due to the absurd complexity and steps taken in many fine finishes one will need to get the thought that paying double the price of a standard paint job for similar area is still considered a good deal. For example a faux finish can have as many different colors added as desired by the homeowner at the cost of increasing prices. The industry standard starting point for the average faux finish (two/three colors) can start at $15/$16 per square foot. With floor finishes such as epoxy and acid stain being of similar price starting points. Among the most complex of special finishes in the industry such as murals dependent upon the complexity of the mural wanted one can expect to go in paying anywhere from $30/$40 per square foot. With the previously mentioned aspects in mind one can begin to get an idea of what there paint job will cost without factoring in things such as home location, quality of materials wanted, and longevity of paint job desired. If you are considering getting a paint job done in the Santa Fe, Albuquerque areas Busby Finishes offers free estimation services for all of your painting needs and can have an appointment set up at your earliest convenience.
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