Professional House Painters In White Rock
In stark contrast to the Albuquerque painter market, the White Rock painter market is drastically under serviced. It is for this reason that Busby Finishes first decided to service the area with our professional painting services. We also understand that while the area does have stucco buildings the vast majority are constructed with wood and brick materials, this is why we offer extensive wood repair and premium block filler priming and painting services. While we are based out of Rio Rancho we never up-charge for travel to White Rock, if you are within our service areas you will get the same price as a customer from our home town. As mentioned before on this website we hand pick our painters so only the most experienced painters have the opportunity to paint or stain your White Rock home. Busby Finishes also offers a two year warranty, in addition to our customer satisfaction BEFORE payment guarantee. Being a full service painting company we offer everything from interior and exterior painting/staining, power washing, white washing/lacquer finish, faux finishing, and everything in between. We offer all of these painting services for your White Rock home, and at a price you can afford for our award winning services. If you would like to get your free painting quote for your White Rock home either call or email at the information below, if you are still on the fence take a look at our gallery for past painting work or google Busby Finishes for past reviews from customers we've had.
Before/After pics of Painting Work Busby Finishes has done in White Rock
Painting Services Offered in White Rock NM
-Interior Painting
-Exterior Painting
-Power Washing
-Faux Finishes
-Epoxy/Acid Stained Floors
-Several Floor Finishes
-Minor Stucco/Wood Repairs
-Simplistic Murals
-Interior/Exterior Staining&Lacquer Finish
-Furniture Refinishing
Contact Us For Your Free Painting Quote
Call: (505)-315-9594
Fill Out Contact Form: Located at the bottom of the home page.